World Homeopathy Awareness Week

Best Homeopathy Clinic Near Me in Vellore | aarogya clinic The objective of world Homeopathy Awareness Week is to increase the awareness of homeopathy and improve accessibility to homeopathy. Usually World Homeopathy Awareness Week is observed between April 10th and April 16th and 10th April is celebrated as World Homeopathy Day This week is celebrated […]
10 Myths on Diabetes

Best Homeopathy Clinic in India | aarogya Clinic A major global health concern that diabetes has always been, its genetically transferable nature makes it a even more serious challenge to human health. What leaves the medical experts worried more is the fact that youngest patients with its symptoms are aged shockingly 8-9 years! A disease […]
Things You Want To Ask About Your Kidney From The Doctor

Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Stone in Vellore, India | aarogya Clinic All your questions will be answered by Dr.VR Sudhakar BHMS, MD.(Acu) from aarogya Clinic, Vellore, India What are Kidney Stones?Kidney stones are formed by a build-up of dissolved minerals and salts on the lining of our kidneys. The stones are usually small and pass […]
Can Homeopathy Treat Kidney Disease ?

Homeopathy Treatment for Kidney Disease in Vellore, India | aarogya clinic Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Chronic kidney disease is a condition wherein lasting damage has been to the kidneys, and the harmful effects are expected to get worse. Severe damage can also cause the kidneys to stop functioning altogether. This is called end-stage renal disease […]
Say No to Gallbladder Surgery

Best Homeopathy Treatment for Gallstones in Vellore, India | aarogya Clinic As we talk about this I remembered an elderly patient of mine, probably aged around 75 when we met. She has been experiencing severe but irregular pain, just above the liver due to the formation of cysts that too in both liver and bile […]
How does Homeotherapy Improve Immunity

Best Homeopathy Treatment In Vellore, India In today’s podcast, Best Homeopathy Doctor In India at aarogya clinic talks about “How does Homeotherapy Improve Immunity”. Do you fall sick often? Do you feel fatigued? Are you suffering from digestive issues, including loss of appetite, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping? You probably have a weak immune system. How […]
Why Choose Homeopathy For Thyroid Disorders

Homeopathy For Thyroid disorders In India The Thyroid is a small pear-shaped gland that is located right below the neck. It produces hormones like Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) which helps regulate the metabolism of the body. It also helps keep the body weight in control, regulates the level of energy, controls mood swings. It […]
8 Essential Facts About Your Gallbladder

Homeopathy Clinic For Gallbaldder In Vellore, India| aarogya clinic Liver has the function of making bile to help in the digestion process. The gallbladder plays the role of storing the bile until it actually needed in the body. The gallbladder is just placed right below the liver’s right lobe and has a shape that of […]
How to Avoid Knee Surgery?

Acupuncture Treatment Near Me in Vellore , India | aarogya clinic In this world, where we have been most busy in earning money, our health has taken a backseat. We often spend most of the time in our offices and thus we completely forget that how should we take care of our health. Taking care […]
How To Fight Migraine Associated Problems?

Best Homeopathy Doctors for Migraine at aarogya clinic Migraine is a form of vascular headache, a neurological condition causing sensory disturbances. Migraines result in a piercing unbearable pain in the head followed by nausea and vomiting. The migraines are a resultant of vasodilation of the blood vessels in the brain. Vasodilation is the enlargement and […]